Razer Cobra Pro
具備 Razer Chroma RGB 功能的無線遊戲滑鼠 Razer Cobra Pro 助你輕鬆迎戰,技驚四座。搭載 Razer HyperSpeed Wireless 及 11 個可個別編程的發光區域,讓你自由設定燈光效果,享受更具沉浸感的遊戲體驗。
具備 Razer Chroma RGB 功能的無線遊戲滑鼠 Razer Cobra Pro 助你輕鬆迎戰,技驚四座。搭載 Razer HyperSpeed Wireless 及 11 個可個別編程的發光區域,讓你自由設定燈光效果,享受更具沉浸感的遊戲體驗。
Black | White
In a dimly lit environment, a cyborg hand rests upon the Razer Cobra Pro gaming mouse.
Making a single mouse click, the hand draws away, as the Razer Cobra Pro’s scroll wheel, Razer logo, and underside light up with vibrant Razer Chroma RGB lighting, causing its high-tech lab environment to also power up in a similar fashion.
Text appears: Razer Cobra Pro
We cut to a side angle of the mouse on its platform.
Text appears: Perfected for play
Brimming with energy, it starts to hover and swivels to face the camera, as a green laser analyzes the mouse, highlighting its many customizable controls.
Text appears: 10 customizable controls for advanced macros across 5 onboard profiles
The camera enters the mouse, transporting us into an alternate dimension of kaleidoscopic colors.
We pop back out to an extreme closeup that focuses on the bottom edge of the mouse, where a long, vivid line of ever-changing RGB lighting produces an alluring underglow.
Text appears: 11-zone Chroma lighting with underglow, powered by Razer Chroma RGB
Glowing in sync with its environment, our view shifts to a top-down view of the mouse, highlighting once again just how vivid its Chroma lighting is, thanks to its illuminated scroll wheel, Razer logo, and all-round underglow.
The camera flips and we find ourselves looking down the barrel of a red high-powered laser activating.
Text appears: Razer Focus Pro 30K Optical Sensor, best-in-class precision
Several mechanisms lock into place around the laser, before a concentrated beam blasts into the camera.
The camera cuts to a wider shot as the laser travels downwards from the sensor to a desk surface, causing a wave of red energy to spread outwards.
In an instant, the mouse goes into overdrive and snakes its way through the air, leaving colorful after-images behind it.
It travels past the camera as we cut to a close up of its glowing scroll wheel and easy-access side buttons.
The camera cuts to a wider shot as the mouse floats down towards the Razer Mouse Dock Pro.
Text appears: Next generation wireless charging, compatible with Razer wireless chargers and other wireless chargers, *Razer Mouse Dock Pro and Wireless Charging Puck sold separately
The mouse comes to rest on the wireless charging dock.
Text appears: Perfected for play
Text appears: Razer Cobra Pro
Razer logo appears.
從基本指令到複雜的巨集,這款滑鼠搭載 5 組内建記憶設定檔,能提供更進階的操控能力,讓你隨時準備好躋身戰場。
在 HyperSpeed 模式下,電池續航力最長可達 100 小時,藍牙模式下則可達 170 小時,讓你隨時隨地暢玩遊戲。可輕鬆透過 USB Type-C 充電,或使用無線充電功能。
透過 1,680 萬種色彩及無數燈光效果來自訂每個分區。RGB 遊戲滑鼠可在數百種整合 Chroma 效果的遊戲使用動態燈光效果,讓你享受絕佳的身歷其境體驗。
無論是在支援 Chroma 的遊戲中增強你的沉浸感,還是設計理想的電競房間,我們都可提供獨一無二的 RGB 燈光設定自由度。
Razer Cobra Pro 的重量僅 77 公克,小巧輕量設計能提供極為舒適的抓握體驗,確保抓握、掌握或指握方式都能享受順暢的沉浸遊戲體驗。
享受比其他無線技術速度更快的超靈敏、低延遲遊戲體驗。我們最新的 Razer HyperSpeed 周邊產品提供多裝置支援功能,讓你透過單一傳輸器連接無線滑鼠與鍵盤,以簡化配置並省下一個 USB 連接埠。
搭配Razer Mouse Dock Pro 或 Razer Wireless Charging Puck(均需另外購買),釋放 Razer Cobra Pro 的真正實力,感受順暢便利的充電體驗。
這款滑鼠具備更經改良的 9,000 萬次按鍵敲擊使用壽命、無雙擊問題,還擁有極快的 0.2 毫秒反應速度,且完全不會發生反彈跳延遲,讓你盡情享受超越其他滑鼠的可靠性及速度。
直接在 RazerStore 購買,可獲得 14 天的免費退貨期。
Razer Cobra Pro 採用右手專用的對稱精巧外型設計。
若要設定按鍵對應、巨集、燈光效果和其他更多功能,你必須先下載並安裝最新版的 Razer Synapse。深入了解自訂設定與按鍵的方法。