RAZER 直播控制器
無論你是實況主或內容創作者,都能使用 Razer 直播控制器揮灑你的創意。透過可自訂的觸控螢幕、按鈕與旋鈕,讓你快速執行任何功能。輕鬆建立捷徑與多工處理,讓你能專心與粉絲互動,增加追蹤人數。
無論你是實況主或內容創作者,都能使用 Razer 直播控制器揮灑你的創意。透過可自訂的觸控螢幕、按鈕與旋鈕,讓你快速執行任何功能。輕鬆建立捷徑與多工處理,讓你能專心與粉絲互動,增加追蹤人數。
Text appears: RAZER 直播控制器
We open on the shot of the RAZER 直播控制器 amongst an RGB streaming setup.
Text appears: 即時控制。創意無限。
A male streamer puts on his headset, as we cut to a similar shot of a female streamer doing the same in her all-pink setup.
She waves to the camera, greeting her fans.
We cut back to our male streamer in the midst of gaming. Halfway through, he stops momentarily to adjust a setting on the stream controller with a quick tap, which conveniently brings up another window.
The female streamer turns a knob on the controller, easily adjusting her audio levels.
Text appears: All-in-one stream controller
The camera cuts to a closeup of the controller, highlighting its programmable digital keypad.
Text appears: 12 顆觸覺回饋 Switchblade 按鍵
A finger reaches out and taps one of the keys, causing emojis to suddenly flood our male streamer’s stream. He laughs and chats enthusiastically with his viewers.
Text appears: 完整操控盡在指尖
The camera cuts to a closeup of the controller once again, as a hand reaches out to turn one of six builtin knobs.
Text appears: 6 顆分段類比旋鈕
The music volume of the video drops in sync with the turning of the dial. As the knob is turned up, the music volume goes back to normal.
Text appears: 即時的音訊調整
We cut to our female streamer swiping her finger across the controller, cycling through different sets of keys for various uses.
Text appears: Intuitive organization and organization, streaming, productivity, photo editing, video editing
The camera cuts to a closeup of the controller, this time as a finger presses one of eight built-in buttons.
Text appears: Quick access to layouts and actions, 8 顆可編程按鍵
With each button press, the digital keys instantly swap between layouts.
The finger exits the frame, as the camera cuts out to the female streamer chatting with her viewers.
We cut to a shot of the controller under a spotlight. As it swivels around slowly, countless icons erupt
from the controller, highlighting its compatibility with a vast range of programs.
Text appears: 相容主流直播軟體
A wallpaper of icons appears behind the controller.
Text appears: Countless icon packs for customized layouts
We end on the shot of the RAZER 直播控制器 amongst an RGB streaming setup.
Text appears: 即時控制。創意無限。 Razer Stream Controller.
Razer logo appears.
可便利控制音訊音量、媒體和其他通道,即使在直播中也能獲得最佳混音效果。使用控制器的動態 LCD 觸控螢幕,清楚明確地管理所有功能。
將指令集結整合至專屬的配置內,即可在動態觸控螢幕上使用手指滑動循環切換。啟用動態模式 (Dynamic Mode) 即可根據偵測到的應用程式自動切換設定檔。
運用針對直播、內容創作、生產力等多種功能所打造的現成設定檔,讓你快速設置,立即使用。下載如 Twitch、OBS Studio、Spotify、Razer Chroma 打光燈外掛程式、Voicemod 等重要工具外掛程式,即能擁有無限選擇。
在單一便利平台上找到需要的所有工具。建立自訂動作,並透過巨集發揮更強大的效能,讓你一鍵按下即可執行一系列指令。探索 Loupedeck 市集,下載最能滿足你需求的外掛程式、設定檔和圖示組合。
直接在 RazerStore 購買,可獲得 14 天的免費退貨期。