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Razer is proud to be part of an ecosystem that is characterized by inclusivity and solidarity. We are empowering and encouraging both our staff and the community to contribute and support the global green movement

Razer places a great emphasis on our people and culture. As Razer believes that working as one team will enable us to achieve our goals, we aim to encourage employees and business partners to adopt a green mindset to encourage understanding of our conservationist obligations.

Razer will adopt #GoGreenWithRazer as a global corporate social responsibility focus and will be working with external business partners to roll out green initiatives.


As a leader in the gaming community, Razer pledges to leverage our influence to rally millions of gamers worldwide to contribute to our green cause and offer the opportunities for them to do so through our product offerings.

Razer will continue its partnership with Conservation International (CI), along with our iconic Sneki Snek mascot, and encourage the community to join the fight to protect nature. CI leads the effort to protect more than 6,000,000 km2 of land and sea across more than 70 countries.


Through our popular sustainability mascot, Sneki Snek – we’ve partnered up with Conservation International (CI) to save trees. For every Sneki Snek eco-merchandise sold, we contribute to CI to save 10 trees.

Razer smashed our initial goal of 100,000 trees – together with our fans, we have already conserved over 600 acres of forests which will save endangered wildlife that depends on these forests for survival.

To continue this sustainability effort, Razer has stretched the goal and now aims to protect a total of 1 million trees. To galvanize the community, Razer will be marking a milestone at every 100,000 trees saved by launching new Sneki Snek eco-merch as each new target is achieved.

Learn more about Sneki Snek and Conservation International.

As part of our commitment towards a sustainable future, we're encouraging our fans to take up eco-friendly habits by making the experience even more rewarding.