Gaming Camera for Streaming with Ring Light - Razer Kiyo Webcam

Gaming Camera for Streaming with Ring Light - Razer Kiyo Webcam



Disfruta de una iluminación de estudio y consigue siempre la luz perfecta con la Razer Kiyo, una cámara web Full HD todo en uno que incluye un potente anillo de luz multifase. Ha llegado la hora de que deslumbres como streamer profesional gracias al enfoque automático rápido y preciso, y a los ajustes totalmente personalizables.

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Against a black background, 3 Razer webcams float into frame: the Razer Kiyo Pro, Kiyo, and Kiyo X.
Text appears: Create without limits
They multiply and shift about playfully, before disappearing into the big, bold text.
Text appears: Razer Kiyo Pro
The Razer Kiyo Pro pops out from the text, as its lens and sensor begin to disassemble in an exploded view.
Text appears: High performance adaptive light sensor, clarity in any light
A wall of Razer Kiyo Pros appear, rotating in several lighting conditions ranging from dim to bright.
The camera cuts to the inside of the sensor, moving deeper to reveal a glowing tunnel of light.
Text appears: Uncompressed 1080p 60fps, pure visual fidelity
We pop back out from the sensor to see the webcam once again. A smaller screen appears beside the webcam to highlight a software feature being enabled via a slider.
Text appears: HDR-enabled, more vibrant colors
The black background suddenly turns into a vibrant shade of blue and purple.
The Razer Kiyo Pro slides out of frame, replaced by the Razer Kiyo.
Text appears: Razer Kiyo
It multiplies and flies around the screen, before flying past to camera to reveal a close up of the webcam’s built-in ring light.
Text appears: Built-in ring light, studio-like illumination
The ring light glows brighter as the webcam floats in the air, moving out of frame for the next webcam in the line.
Text appears: Razer Kiyo X
With the Razer Kiyo X in the foreground, we see a smaller screen appear behind it to highlight its many customizable settings—from contrast to saturation and more.
Text appears: Fully customizable settings to suit your needs
As these settings get adjusted, we notice the video itself change in brightness and color.
The webcam exits the bottom of the frame as a USB A cable floats in from the top, connecting to a laptop.
Text appears: Plug and play
The screen wipes to black.
Text appears: Create without limits
The three webcams appear together in a final shot.
Text appears: Razer Kiyo X, Razer Kiyo Pro, Razer Kiyo
They disappear into the black background, seamlessly transitioning to the Razer logo.


Anillo de luz multifase integrado

La Razer Kiyo cuenta con un anillo de luz diurna (5600 K) que proporciona una iluminación uniforme sin el engorro de un equipo de iluminación adicional. Además, puedes ajustar rápidamente los niveles de brillo con solo rotar la luz, sin tener que configurar ningún software.


1080p a 30 FPS | 720p a 60 FPS

Tanto si buscas un mayor nivel de detalle como si prefieres una mayor frecuencia de fotogramas, nuestra cámara web USB te ofrece la oportunidad de lograr ambos. Mantén a tu audiencia inmersa en tus streams con la salida de vídeo que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades, desde calidad Full HD hasta gráficos fluidos.


Enfoque automático rápido y preciso

Muévete todo lo que quieras delante de la cámara sin preocuparte por que se vea borroso. Gracias a la capacidad de captar cada uno de tus movimientos con gran detalle, podrás dedicar menos tiempo a mantener una postura quieta y centrarte en mantener entretenida a tu audiencia.


Control total de la cámara con Razer Synapse 3

Brillo, contraste, saturación y mucho más: guarda los ajustes de vídeo que prefieras y disfruta de una imagen perfecta en cualquier situación cambiando fácilmente entre tus perfiles personalizados. También funciona con OBS y XSplit.


    El tamaño de la Razer Kiyo, perfecto para viajar, te permite guardarla cómodamente en tu mochila y llevarla a donde quieras: el accesorio perfecto para un equipo de streaming móvil.


    Consigue siempre el ángulo perfecto gracias al soporte estable para cámara web que se acomoda perfectamente a tu monitor o tu escritorio, se puede inclinar hacia arriba o hacia abajo y se puede desacoplar para colocar la cámara en un trípode.

Con certificación #RazerStreamer

Mira lo que dicen nuestros streamers Razer. Descubre el programa #RazerStreamer aquí.

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Text appears: Razer Kiyo
The Razer Kiyo sits proudly atop a desktop monitor with its ring light glowing.
We open on a male streamer who enthusiastically shares his thoughts about the Razer Kiyo as he is unboxing it.
Text appears: Gringo
Dialogue: So when Razer decided to send me their webcam I was really, really excited.
Cut to a female streamer who adjusts the ring light on the Razer Kiyo while talking about it.
Text appears: Azuki
Dialogue: Because a lot of streamers don’t have a lighting set up so this comes in with a built-in ring light and it’s like so amazing.
Text appears: So amazing.
Cut to a male streamer describing the visual fidelity of the Razer Kiyo with an air of seriousness while seated at his PC gaming setup.
Text appears: Delacroix
Dialogue: You can choose in OBS between 1080p at 30 frames per second to 720p at 60 frames, which is beautiful, the image is smooth as butter.
Text appears: Smooth as butter.
Cuts back to our first streamer, Gringo, who continues talking about the Razer Kiyo.
Dialogue: Can’t even compare with the other webcams I’ve used before, because this piece of kit is really, really good.
Text appears: Really really good.
Dialogue: Thanks Razer for being awesome, and I can’t even wait for what comes next.
Text appears: Razer Kiyo. Streamer Certified by the Razer Broadcast Studio.
Razer logo appears.