運用這款未來的遊戲戰鬥基地,用創新模式顛覆傳統概念。種類繁多的熱插拔模組提供無數設定選項,讓你針對需求來打造專屬的配置。Project Sophia 採用高效能的整合式 PCB,讓電腦擁有前所未見的無限可能性。
運用這款未來的遊戲戰鬥基地,用創新模式顛覆傳統概念。種類繁多的熱插拔模組提供無數設定選項,讓你針對需求來打造專屬的配置。Project Sophia 採用高效能的整合式 PCB,讓電腦擁有前所未見的無限可能性。
Text appears: Razer PROJECT SOPHIA
A slim glass gaming desk appears, floating in a black void.
The camera zooms in closer to the desk as strobe lights flash around the desk, before turning on entirely.
Text appears: 全球首款模組化電競桌概念
A dozen black rectangular modules in various sizes hover underneath the glass gaming desk, waiting to be slotted in.
The main module slots into the gaming desk—a customized PCB with cutting-edge core components.
The other modules follow suit, snapping into other slots throughout the desk.
Text appears: Fully modular, completely customizable
As the last few modules slot in, a massive 77-inch OLED display slides down from the top of the shot and
attaches to the desk, accompanied by left and right speakers which snap magnetically to the sides of the screen.
The main module lights up with green energy, as a digital overlay appears across the glass desk surface, conveniently displaying the temperature and speed of the PC.
Text appears: Desktop power in your desk
More digital overlays appear across the surface of the desk as other modules power up.
Text appears: 適合所有使用者的設計
The OLED display turns on to show game footage, as text appears on large screens behind the desk to introduce the current configuration.
Text appears: 遊戲玩家
We cut to a closer shot of the desk as three modules are highlighted.
Text appears: THX Spatial Surround Sound Controls, 系統監控 Module, 可編程熱鍵
The OLED display changes from game footage to a live stream, as the large screens behind the desk glitch and change text to introduce the next configuration.
Text appears: 實況主
A Razer webcam attaches to the left side of the OLED display, while a Razer microphone on a boom arm attaches to the right side of the OLED display.
While all this happens, six modules are highlighted.
Text appears: Razer Kiyo Pro, Streamer Production Controller, Razer Seiren V2 Pro, Chat viewer,
Network Performance Monitor, Digital Audio Equalizer
The OLED display changes from a live stream to an editing program, as the large screens behind the desk glitch and change text to introduce the next configuration.
Text appears: 創作者
We cut to a closer shot of the desk as four modules are highlighted.
Text appears: Thunderbolt™ powered eGPU, Touchscreen digitizer module with stylus and control wheel, media controls, custom creative input tool
The OLED display changes from an editing program to a video conference, as the large screens behind the desk change text to introduce the next configuration.
Text appears: WFH
We cut to a closer shot of the desk as four modules are highlighted.
Text appears: Digital planner, team communication, productivity launcher, 隱私控制
The edges of the desk—lined with LED—light up with colorful RGB lighting.
Text appears: 全球首款模組化電競桌概念
The camera zooms out to a wider shot of the desk, as the large screens behind it cycle through a full spectrum of colors that are perfectly in sync with those on the desk.
Text appears: Razer PROJECT SOPHIA
Razer logo appears.
我們的概念核心,是一款高度模組化的電腦桌,可支援最多 13 種不同模組,提供前所未見的個人化能力。自由選擇大量多種配件和裝置,讓你根據任何情境快速設定配置。瞧瞧這些精選的功能──這只是 Project Sophia 完整模組系列的一部分。
驅動這一切強大功能的,是採用頂尖核心元件的自訂 PCB,包括最新的 Intel 處理器和 NVIDIA GPU,能夠支援最需耗費系統資源的工作。為了以最佳方式運用桌面空間,我們將以上各種元件輕薄小巧的機箱中,並能透過磁性吸附在玻璃桌面下方,讓你能輕鬆取下以安裝新的升級元件。
當強大威力與沉浸體驗是首要需求時,可以調整 Project Sophia 的規格,加上 THX 環繞音效系統和高更新率顯示器,使其具備高傳真音訊和極為快速的視覺效能。
1. RAID 控制器
2. 可編程熱鍵
3. 系統監控模組
4. THX 空間環繞音效控制項
這款寬敞的桌面搭載 LED,能與你的 Razer Chroma™ RGB 生態系統同步,提供更優異的沉浸體驗,更能盡情展現個人風格。
超薄螢幕採用自體發光像素和各種最新技術,確保提供更明亮、更銳利的圖像品質,為你帶來極致的視覺體驗──提供 65 吋或 77 吋選項。