不是放手一搏,就是打道回府,成為冠軍就是我們不斷創新的動力。從領先業界的無線技術,到全世界最令人身歷其境且種類眾多的 RGB 照明生態系統,探索我們全方位大獲全勝的硬體產品系列。
身為「For Gamers. By Gamers」的領導潮流品牌,我們的使命始終相當簡單:不斷為你我這樣的遊戲玩家提供致勝優勢,無論我們的目標為何。
從我們屢次獲獎肯定的硬體、軟體和服務,到我們熱情參與電競世界,無論你的遊戲旅途走到哪裡,我們都能協助你 #WinItYourWay。
Shots of Faker and his gaming setup flash across the screen, as his hand rests upon the Razer DeathAdder V2.
Dialogue: They say we don’t have what it takes to win.
The camera swivels to reveal Faker sitting at his battlestation, before cutting to a closeup of his face.
He puts on his headset, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, before giving a focused stare at the camera.
Dialogue: Stop playing.
The camera floats across the keyboard as we see his left hand furiously pressing keys, while his other hand swipes and clicks the mouse in a similar fashion.
Dialogue: Go outside.
A closeup of Faker’s eyes shows his intense focus.
Dialogue: Do your homework.
A fast-forward shot shows Faker spending time taking notes after his game, drinking an energy drink and heading back to game.
Dialogue: Quit dreaming.
We cut to an extreme closeup of Faker’s eye, as it darts around to highlight his alert mental state.
This is further reflected in the next shot, as his hand grabs hold of the mouse to play at a high intensity.
Dialogue: Make some real friends.
The camera cuts to a closeup of game chat, as he engages with several of his friends online while talking with others through his headset’s mic.
Dialogue: Get a job.
Against a black blackground, green lights suddenly turn on to reveal Faker walking out into a soldout esports stadium.
Dialogue: When the world tells you how to play.
We cut to a closeup of Faker’s face.
Text appears: Lee ‘Faker’ Sang Hyeok
Text appears: 3-time League of Legends World Champion
The shot zooms out.
Dialogue: We say...win it your way.
Text appears: For Gamers. By Gamers.
Text appears: www.razer.com/winityourway
Razer logo appears.
不是放手一搏,就是打道回府,成為冠軍就是我們不斷創新的動力。從領先業界的無線技術,到全世界最令人身歷其境且種類眾多的 RGB 照明生態系統,探索我們全方位大獲全勝的硬體產品系列。
Sneaky 就像遊戲裡所有優點的化身:提供高互動內容的娛樂實況主、支持多元性的知名跨性別角色扮演者,以及斬獲 NA LCS 優勝的職業《英雄聯盟》選手。所有成就皆不容質疑。
Sneaky 靠著 Razer Huntsman V2 TKL 成為萬眾矚目的焦點。此處選購。