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Made with Blade - Murda Beatz


Making beats is no easy task, especially for a new producer. Murda Beatz takes us through how he constructs a new music track, through the melody and into the beats that align seamlessly. We watch as Murda makes a beat on the fly, and takes us through different tips and tricks for how he creates some of the best sounds in the game today.


Murda Beatz shares the keys to success in the industry and the hustle it takes to get to the top. In this episode of Made with Blade we take an inside look at the combined musical talent mixed with Murda’s meeting with the Migos that changed his career.


Murda Beatz talks about his desire to get his music into the Atlanta scene, and how that led to his collaboration with the Migos resulting in the creation of hundreds of tracks, including some that he knew would be hits before the first bar was even spit.


The New Razer Blade 15

Mobile Creative Workstation

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Razer Rogue 15.6" Backpack

Durability and Utility for the Road

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Ob du nun deine Rig mit einer wirklich amtlichen Lightshow ins rechte Licht rückst oder dir ein vollkommen immersives Gaming-Erlebnis gönnst, die Möglichkeiten von Razer Chroma™ sind grenzenlos—und das ist erst der Anfang.